Qui sommes nous? Old – Iglesia Catolica Palmariana
  • Site officiel de
  • l'Ordre des Carmélites de la Sainte Face
  • en compagnie de Jésus et de Marie

The One, Holy Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian Church

Or Palmarian Christian Church

Who are we?

This question is easy to answer. In short, we are followers of the Most Holy Virgin Mary. To Her we surrender ourselves with our whole being. It is common among Palmarians to love the Most Holy Virgin Mary intensely. This is a point where we don’t allow any discussion. Whoever doesn’t want to love and serve the Mother of God will not be interested in being a member of the Palmarian Church. Our love is internal and external. The internal love we have for Our Heavenly Mother is manifested in the very great trust that Palmarians have in Her, and in our gratitude for the many miracles, big and small, that She continually performs for her faithful children within the Palmarian Church. The external love is shown in the beautiful statues, images, embroidery, etc., that are continually produced in the Palmarian Church. In the Palmarian hymns is found a large quantity addressed to the Mother of God, beautiful hymns that raise the soul to love God more and more.

The mission of the Most Holy Virgin Mary is to bring us to Her Divine Son, Jesus Christ, and to lead us to love all the Most Blessed Trinity. She is the path to Heaven and what She has preached in Her many Apparitions in many different places is taken very seriously in the Palmarian Church. In all Her Apparitions the need for doing prayer and penance is emphasized, and this is fulfilled in the Palmarian Church.

Until the 6th of August, 1978, the Most Holy Virgin Mary directed Her many faithful within the Roman Church, as She had done for almost 20 centuries. Due to the apostasy of Rome, Our Lord Jesus Christ separated from Rome, and in the person of Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great, specially prepared by Him, He brought the True Church to the desert of El Palmar de Troya, also well prepared for this event.

For 10 years Heaven continually showed Itself in El Palmar de Troya, in the Sacred Place of the Lentisco, as preparation to bring the Catholic Church there. During a period of some nine years, Christ prepared the people who would continue the Church in El Palmar de Troya, including those who later would be Pope Gregory XVII and Pope Peter II.

For the beauty and piety of its Divine Worship, and for the sanctity of many of its members, the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian Church is worthy to be studied and observed with the fear of God. To those who have spoken and spread so many lies and calumnies against this work of God and against the people who form part of this Holy Church, we say that no one mocks God. May the liars and calumniators tremble! Above all, those who have published their lies in the communications media; the authors of books who gain fame and money by writing false books and documents, without foundation. There is no excuse for letting oneself be led by people who apparently are good when in the background they are moved by Satan himself to battle against the true Church of Christ. They have lost the battle, because Christ defends his Church and will not allow the gates of Hell to destroy it.